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From No Uncertain Sound, Sermons that Shaped the Pulpit Tradition, Edited, with an Introduction, by Ray C. Petry, Professor of Church History, Duke University, Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1948; pp. 309-326.


The following bibliography serves both the critical introduction and the anthology proper. Works of especial note are given in annotated form. Editions and translations referred to frequently in the sermon introductions are set apart by symbols in the margins of the bibliography. Collections most often cited are indicated by convenient symbols as follows:

EETS:Early English Text Society. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner & Co., etc. various years.

MANSI: Mansi, J. D. (ed.). Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. 53 vols. in 57. Paris: H. Welter, 1903-27.

MGH :Monumenta Germaniae historica, (500-1500). Ed. by G. H. Pertz, T. Mommsen, et al. Folio series, Berlin, 1826-96; quarto series, 1876 ff.

MGHSS:Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum, ex Monumentis Germaniae historicis recusi. Hanover, 1840 ff.

MPG: Migne, J. P. (ed.). Patrologia Graeca. 165 vols. Paris: Migne, 1857-66.

MPL:  ———.  Patrologia Latina. 221 vols. Paris; Migne, 1844-64.

NPNF: Schaff, P. (ed.). A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. 1st. Ser. 14 vols. New York: The Christian Literature Publishing Col., 1886-90; Schaff, P. and Wace H. (eds.). A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. 2d. Ser. 14 vols. New York: The Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1890-1900.

PEA:Patres ecclesiae Anglicanae. Eds., vols., publishers, and years, etc;, according to individual sets in the collection.

RS:Rolls Series (Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores: or Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland During the Middle Ages. . . . ) 252 vols. London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, etc., 1858-96.


Aelfric. Homilies. Ed. by B. Thorpe. The Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church. Vol. I. London: For the Aelfric Society, 1843.

Alain de Lille. Summa de arte praedicatoria (MPL 210:111-98).

Anselm of Canterbury. Homiliae (MPL 158).

Archiv für Literature- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters. Ed. by H. Denifle and F. Ehrle. 7 vols. Berlin, 1885-1900. See especially I, 193-227, and VI, 87-138, for the early Constitutions of the Dominican and Franciscan orders, respectively.


Atto of Vercelli. Sermones (MPL 134).

Augustine, A. De doctrina Christiana (MPL 34). Tr. as On Christian Teaching in NPNF, 1st Ser., II, 519-97. Sermones (MPL 38-39), ed. in the Latin and tr. into the French in M. Péronne, et. al., Oeuvres Complètes de Saint Augustin. Tom. XV-XX. Paris: Vivès, 1873. Cf. Tractatus sive sermones inediti. . . . Ed. G. Morin. Campoduni et Monachi: Ex Typographia Koeseliana, 1917.

Bacon, Roger. Opus maius. Ed. by J. H. Bridges. 2 vols. Oxford, 1897. Rev. ed. in 3 vols., 1900. Tr. by R. B. Burke. 2 vols. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1928.

———.  Opus tertium, opus minus, et compendium studii philosophiae. Ed. by J. S. Brewer (RS 15). London 1859. A portion of the compendium studii phil. is tr. in Coulton, Life, II, 55-62.

Baronius, C. Annales ecclesiastici. 12 vols. in 6. Mainz, 1601-05 (08).

Basil of Caesarea. Sermones (MPG 29; NPNF 2d Ser. VIII).

Bed. Gi.Bede, the Venerable. Opera omnia. Fol. V (Homiliae). Ed. by J. A. Giles in PEA. London: Whitaker & Co., 1843.

Ber. Cl.
Bernard of Clairvaux. Sermones (MPL 183). Life and Works. . . . Ed. by Dom. J. Mabillon. . . . Tr. and ed. with additional notes by S. J. Eales. Vols. III and IV (Sermons). London: John Hodges, 1896.

———.  Sermons for the Seasons and Principal Festivals of the Year. Tr. by a Priest of Mount Melleray. 3 vols. Dublin: Browne and Nolan, Ltd., 1925.

Bernardine of Siena, Sermons. Sel. and ed. by D. N. Orlandi and tr. by H. J. Robins. Siena: Tipografia Sociale, 1920.

Bernardo da Siena. La prediche volgari. . . . Dette nella piazza del campo l’anno 1427. . . . Ed. da Luciano Banchi. 3 vols. Siena: Tip. edit. all’ inseg. di S. Bernardino, 1880-88.

Berthold von Regensburg (Ratisbon).  Deutsche Predigten. Ed. and tr. by Otto Brandt. Jena: E. Diederichs, 1924.

———.  Die Predigten. Ed. by Franz Goebel. 4th Ed. Regensburg. G. J. Manz, 1906.

———.  Vollstaendige Ausgabe seiner deutschen Predigten mit Einleitungen und Anmerkingen; by Franz Pfeiffer-Joseph Strobl. Bde. I and II. Vienna: Braumueller, 1862-80.

Bibliotheca patrum concionatoria, a festo nativitatis Sanctae Mariae Virginis, ac deinceps; commune item Sanctorum.  Opera et studio F. Francisci Combefis. . . .  Tom. VIII. Parisiis: Sumptibus Antonii Bertier, 1662.


Op. Qr.
Bonaventura. Opera omnia. Tom. IX (Sermones). Quaracchi: Ex Typographia Collegii S. Bonaventurae, 1901.

——— (Pseudo).  Ars concionandi. Ed. in Bonaventurae opera omnia. IX, 8-21. Quaracchi: Coll. S. Bon., 1901.

Boynton, Mary F.  “Simon Alcock on Expanding the Sermon,” Harvard Theological Review, XXIV (1941), 201-216. Latin text with a few good notes and introductory remarks.

Bromyard, John.  Summa praedicantium. 2 vols. Venice: D. Nicolinus, 1586.

Charland, Th.-M.  Artes praedicandi: contribution à l’histoire de la rhétorique au moyen âge. (Publications de l’institut d’études médiévales d’Ottawa, VII.) Ottawa: Inst. d’études médiévales, 1936.

An excellent piece of work; this book gives detailed attention to individual authors of the Artes praedicandi and the manuscripts of them. It fully explores the theory and development of medieval preaching; and proceeds to the editing of Robert de Basevorn’s Forma praedicandi and Thomas Waley’s De modo componendi sermones. . . . Such Artes are briefly surveyed as the Ars praedicandi or concionandi of the (Pseudo) Bonaventura (30-33), an anonymous tract attributed to William of Auvergne (30-42), treatises by Humbert de Romans. (47), Robert de Basevorn (81-82), Simon Alcock (83-84), (Pseudo) Thomas (85-88), and Thomas Waleys (94-95).

Charles the Great.  Capitularia (MPL 97:121-371; MGH, Leges, Sectio II.1; MANSI XIII).

De commendatione cleri. Ed. in the Latin as App. I, 409-33, by L. Thorndike, University Records and Life in the Middle Ages. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944, and tr. under the heading “Commendation of the Clerk; an [anonymous] Educational Treatise,” on pp. 201-35 of the same work.

Cook &
Cook, A. S., and Tinker, C. B. (eds.). Select Translations from Old English Prose. Boston: Ginn & Co., 1908.

Coulton, G. G. Life in the Middle Ages, 4 vols. in 1. New York: Macmillan Co., 1930.

Chrysostom, John.  De sacerdotio (MPG 48:623 ff.). Tr. as On the Priesthood by W. R. W. Stephens (NPNF 1st Ser., IX, 33-83); Sermones (MPG 49, 57; NPNF 1st Ser., IX, X).

Cus. Ex.Cusa, Nicholas. Exercitationum ex sermonibus. In the Opera ed. by Heinrichi Petri. 3 vols. in 1. Basel: Ex officina Henricpetrina, 1565.

Cus. Pr.———.    (Cusanus Texte I, 2-5). Vier Predigten im Geiste Eckharts, lateinisch und deutsch, mit einer literarhistorischen Einleitung 314 und Erläuterungen. Ed. J. Koch. Heidelberg: Winter, 1937.

———.  Wichtigste Schriften in deutscher Uebersetzung von Dr. F. U. Scharpff. Freiburg i/B: Herder, 1862.

Davy, M. M. (ed.). Les sermons universitaires Parisiens de 1230-1231. . . . Paris: J. Vrin, 1931. (Études de philosophie médiévale, No. XV).

Denzinger, H.  Enchiridion symbolorum et definitionum. . . . 6th ed., rev. by I. Stahl. Cincinnati: Benziger Bros., 1838.

Durand of Mende, Wm.  Rationale divinorum officiorum. . . . Neapoli: Apud Josephum Dura Bibliopolam, 1859. The first Book of the Rationale has been tr. by J. M. Neale and B. Webb as The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments. . . . Cambridge: T. Stevenson, 1843. References to preaching abound, especially in the first four Books. For Durand the Younger on church reform, the clergy, and preaching, cf. Coulton, Life, I, 201.

Eck. Pf.Eckhart, Meister. Meister Eckhart. Herausgegeben von Franz Pfeiffer in Die deutschen Mystiker, Bd. II. Leipzig, 1857. (Photomechanischer Neudruck der Ausgabe von 1857, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1924.)

———.  Meister Eckhart by Franz Pfeiffer, Leipzig, 1857. Tr. With some omissions and notes by C. de B. Evans. 2 vols. London: J. M. Watkins, 1924-31.

Eck. Tr.
———.  A Modern Translation. by R. B. Blakney. New York: Harper & Bros., 1941.

———.  Schriften und Predigten. . . . 2 Bde. Ed. by H. Buettner. Jena: Diederichs, 1923.

Étienne de Bourbon.  Anecdotes historiques. . . . Ed. Par A. Lecoy de la Marche pour la société de l’histoire de France. Paris: Renouard, 1877.

Fr. A.
Francis of Assisi. Opuscula. Ed. in H. Boehmer-F. Wiegand, Analekten zur Geschichte des Franciscus von Assisi Tuebingen: Mohr, 1930.

Fr. A.
———.  The Writings. . . . Newly tr. into English with an introduction and notes by Father Paschal Robinson. Philadelphia: The Dolphin Press, 1905.

Frost, S. E., Jr.  The World’s Great Sermons. New York: Garden City Publishing Co., 1943.

Gerson, Jean. “The ‘Ad Deum Vadit’ of Jean Gerson Published from the Manuscript Bibliothèque Nationale, Fonds Fr. 24841,” by D. H. Carnahan, University of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, III.1 (February, 1917), 9-155.

———.  Six sermons français inédits. Ed. L. Mourin. Paris: J. Vrin, 1946.


Op. Dup.
Gerson, Joh. Opera omnia. Ed. by E. DuPin. 4 vols. Antwerpiae: Sumptibus Societatis, 1706.

Gratian.  Decretum (concordia discordantium canonum). Ed. in Vol. I of A. Friedberg. Corpus juris canonici. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1879-81. (See especially, in the Decretum, c. 1, Dist. 38: c. 3, Dist. 36; c. 6, Dist. 38: c. 6, Dist. 88.)

Gregory I. Liber regulae pastoralis (MPL 77:9-128). Tr. as The Book of Pastoral Rule by James Barmby in NPNF 2d. Ser., XII (2d Part) 2 ff.; Homiliae (MPL 76).

———.  In primum regum expositiones (especially Cap. V, Sec. 12-22; MPL 79:288-98).

Gregory Nazianzen. Oratio II (MPG 35:407-514). Tr. as In Defense of his Flight to Pontus (Oration II) NPNF 2d. Ser., VII, 205 ff.

Grosseteste, Robert. Epistolae. Ed. by H. R. Luard (RS 25). London, 1861.

———.  Sermones. Ed. by Edw. Brown. Fasciculus rerum expetendarum et jugiendarum. . . . 2 vols. London: Chiswell, 1690. See especially II, 251-305.

Guarric, Abbot of Igniac. Sermones (MPL 185).

Guibert de Nogent. Liber quo ordine sermo fieri debeat (MPL 156:21-32).

Gumbinger, Cuthbert. “St. Bernardine’s Unedited Prediche Volgari,” Franciscan Studies, XXV.1 (N. S. IV, March, 1944), 7-33 (with excellent short translations in English).

Hefele, C.-Leclercq, H.  Histoire des conciles. Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1907-38.

Henry of Hesse (Pseudo).  “On the Art of Preaching,” ed. by Harry Caplan, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, XLVIII (1933), 340-61. Latin text with English translation.

Hrabanus Maurus. De clericorum institutione. Liber III, Caps. 2, 15, 18, 26-39 (MPL 107:379-80; 391-92; 395-96; 404-20); Sermones (MPL 110).

Hugh of St. Victor.  De sacramentis-Prologus (Caps. 1-7, MPL 176:183-86); In ecclesiasten homilae XIX (MPL 175:114 ff.).

Humbert de Romans.  De eruditione praedicatorum. . . . Ed. by J. J. Berthier, Opera de vita regulari. . . . Vol. II. Rome: A. Befanus, 1889. De modo prompte cudendi sermones: (1) Ad omne hominum genus, (2) Ad omne genus negotiorum. The foregoing work, divided into two treatises, each of one hundred chapters, is Liber II of De eruditione praedicatorum. The De modo, not included in Berthier’s work, above, is from the edition of M. De La Bigne, Maxima bibliotheca veterum patrum. . . . 316 Tom. XXV (pp. 456-567). Lugduni: Apud Anissonios, 1677.

Index Praedicatione (MPL 221:11-20. With reference drawn from early and medieval Fathers as regards the necessity of preaching, its nature and effects, rules, matter, the preaching office, and the auditory).

Innocent III, Pope. Sermones (MPL 217).

Ivo of Chartres. Sermones (MPL 162).

Jacob von Vitry. Die Exempla aus den Sermones Communes. Ed. in Bd. 5, Heft 1 of L. Traube’s-P. Lehmann’s Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters as Die Exempla des Jacob von Vitry . . . by Goswin Frenken. München: Beck, 1914; with critical introduction, pp. 1-87, and Latin text, pp. 93-149.

Jacobus de Vitriaco. Sermones in Epistolas, et Evangelia Dominicalia totius anni. Venetiis: Apud Giordanum Zilettum, 1578.

———.  Sermones. Selecta e sermonibus vulgaribus. Ed. Ioannes Baptista Cardinalis Pitra, in Analecta novissima spicilegii solesmensis latera continuatio. Tom. II. Parisiis: Roger et Chernowitz Bibliopolis, 1888 (Sermones, pp. 344-442; Speculum exemplorum, 443-61.

Jacques de Vitry. The Exempla or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones Vulgares. Ed. with introductory analysis and notes by T. E. Crane as Vol. 26 of the Folk-Lore Society. London: David Nutt, 1890.

———.  “Sermo LX ad agricolas et vinitores et alios operarios,” in J. T. Welter, L’exemplum . . . App. I, pp. 457-67.

Jacobus de Voragine.  The Golden Legend. Tr. by G. Ryan and H. Ripperger. 2 vols. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1941.

Jean de Saint-Gilles. Sermones (Davy Sup.).

Kleiser, G. (ed.). The World’s Great Sermons. Vol. I: Basil to Calvin. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1908.

The Lay Folks’ Catechism, or the English and Latin Versions of Archbishop Thoresby’s Instruction for the People; Together with a Wycliffite Adaptation of the Same, and the Corresponding Canons of the Council of Lambeth. Ed. by T. F. Simmons and H. E. Nolloth (EETS No. 118). London, 1901.

Lee, G. C., and Ayer, J. C.  World’s Orators. Vol. III. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1900.

Lentz, C. G. H.  Geschichte der christlichen Homiletik, ihrer Grundsätze und der Ausuebung derselben in allen Jahrhunderten der Kirche. 2 Bde. Braunschweig: Dehme und Mueller, 1839. Excellent source basis and sizable German translations of the texts.

Liber exemplorum ad usum praedicantium.  Ed. by A. G. Little 317 for the British Society of Franciscan Studies, I. Aberdeen, 1908.

Little, A. G.  “A Fifteenth Century Sermon,” in Franciscan Papers, Lists and Documents. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1943.

Ludolphus de Saxonia.  Vita Jesu Christi. Ed. L. M. Rigollot. 4 vols. Paris: V. Palmé, 1878.

Lyndwood’s Provinciale.  Ed. by J. V. Bullard and C. Bell. London: Faith Press, 1929 (especially Book V, Titles 1-5, pp. 119-33).

Menot, Michel. Sermons choisis . . . (1508-18). New ed. J. M. Neve. Paris: Champion, 1924.

Ne.Mpp.Neale, J. M. Mediaeval Preachers and Mediaeval Preaching: a Series of Extracts. Translated from the Sermons of the Middle Ages, Chronologically Arranged. London: J. and C. Mozley, 1856.

Nicole Bozon. Les contes moralisés. Ed. by L. T. Smith and P. Meyer for the Société des anciens textes français. Paris: Firmin, Didot & Co., 1889.

Or. Hom.
Origen. Selections from the Commentaries and Homilies. . . . Ed. by R. B. Tollinton, New York: Macmillan Co., 1929.

Or. Wke.
Origenes Werke. Ed. in Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte. . . . Leipzig: J. C. Heinrichs, 1891.

Paris, Matthew.  Chronica maiora. Ed. by H. R. Luard. 7 vols. (RS 57). London, 1872-83.

Peckham, John. Registrum epistolarum (RS 77, Pts. II and III). London, 1882 (II; 542, 694-96; III, 948-49).

Peter of Blois. Epistolae (especially XV and XVII, MPL 207:51 ff. and 62 ff.); Sermones (MPL, 207).

Peter Cantor.  Verbum abbreviatum (MPL 205:23-370).

Peter Damian. Sermones (MPL 144).

Die Predigt der Kirche. Klassikerbibliothek der christlichen Predigtliteratur.  Ed. and tr. by G. Leonhardi and W. von Langsdorff. Leipzig: Fr. Richter, 1888.

Raoul Ardent. Homiliarum tomus secundus — Homiliae in Epistolas et Evangelia Sanctorum: I. De tempore (especially Homiliae 20, 27, 40, 41, 42, 62-63 (MPL 155:1376-81; 1406-10; 1465-70; 1470-75; 1475-82; 1892-99).

Robert de Basevorn. Forma praedicandi and Thomas Waleys, De modo componendi sermones cum documentis. Ed. with introduction and notes by Th.-M. Charland, Artes praedicandi. . . . Ottawa: Institut d’études médiévales, 1936; (as Publications de l’institut d’études médiévales d’Ottawa, VII), pp. 233-323 and 327-403.

Robert de Sorbon(ne).  De consciencia et tribus dietis. Ed. with 318 introduction and notes in the Collection de textes pour servir à l’étude et à l’enseignement de l’histoire. Paris: Picard et Fils, 1902. The text of the De consciencia is pp. 1-33.

Rufinus.  Vitae patrum (MPL 73:707 ff). See translated portions in H. Waddell, The Desert Fathers. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1936.

Salimbene of Parma. Chronica. Ed. by O. Holder-Egger (MGHSS 82). Hanover, 1905-13.

Pr. Fer.
Savonarola, Girolamo. Prediche e scritti. Ed. by Mario Ferrara. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli, 1930.

Pr. Vil.
———.  Scelta di prediche e scritti. . . . Ed. by P. Villari and E. Casanova. In Firenze: G. C. Sansoni, 1898.

Schroeder, H. J.  Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. Original text with English translation. St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder, 1941.

———.  Disciplinary Decrees of the General Councils.  Text, translation, and commentary. St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder, 1937. As to the Church’s duty of teaching and preaching see, among others, Canon 18 of the Third Lateran (1179), pp. 229-30; also Canons 10-11 of the Fourth Lateran (1215), pp. 251-53, and for the Council of Trent (1545-63), Session V, Cap. I-II, pp. 24-28; Session XXIV, Cap. IV. pp. 195-96; Cap. VII. pp. 197-98; Session XXV, pp. 214-17. Cf. the appropriate texts as edited in Hefele-Leclercq and MANSI by year, council, and canon.

Le speculum laicorum. Édition d’une collection d’exempla, composée en Angleterre à la fin du XIIIe siècle . . . par J. Th. Welter. Paris: A. Picard, 1914.

Stephen of Tournai.  Die Summa . . . über das Decretum Gratiani. Ed. by J. F. von Shulte. Giessen: Emil Roth, 1891. (See especially Dist. 38, pp. 57-58).

Tauler, Jean. Oeuvres complètes. Trad. lit. de la version latine du Chartreux Surius, par E.-Pierre Noël. Vols. I-IV (Sermons). Paris: A. Tralin, 1911.

Pr. Leh.
Tauler, Joh. Predigten. Uebertragen und eingeleitet von Walter Lehmann. 2 Bde. Jena: Diederichs, 1913.

Pr. Vet.
———.  Die Predigten. . . . Ed. by Ferdinand Vetter. (Deutsche Texte des Mittelalters herausgegeben von der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Bd. XI.) Berlin: Weidmann, 1910.

———.  Sermons. Tr. by A. L. Corin. 2 vols. Paris: Desclée et Cie, 1927.

———.  The Sermons and Conferences of John Tauler. . . . Tr. by Walter Elliott. Washington, D. C., Brookland Station: Apostolic Mission House, 1910.


Theodulph of Orleans.  Capitula ad presbyteros parochiae suae (MPL 105:191-224. Distinguished for a high sense of pastoral responsibility and impetus to learning among the clergy).

Th. Aq.
Thomas Aquinas. The Homilies . . . Upon the Epistles and Gospels or the Sundays of the Christian Year: To Which Are Appended the Festival Homilies. Tr. by J. M. Ashley. 2d ed. London: J. T. Hayes, 1873.

Th. Aq.
Op. Par.
———.  Opera omnia. Vol. XXIX (Sermones). Paris: Vivès, 1876.

——— (Pseudo).  Tractatus de arte et vero modo praedicandi. . . . Tr. into English by H. Caplan, A Late Mediaeval Tractate on Preaching, in Studies in Rhetoric and Public Speaking in Honor of James Albert Winans. New York: The Century Co., 1925. Introduction, pp. 61-70 and translated text, with notes, pp. 70-90.

Thomas of Cantipré.  Bonum universale de apibus. Duaci: Ex Typographia Baltazaris Belleri, 1627.

Vincent Ferrier.  Oeuvres. Ed. by Fages. 2 vols. Paris, 1909.

Wilkins, D. (ed.).  Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae. 4 vols. London: Gosling, 1737.

William le Maire.  “Liber Guillelmi Majoris,” ed. by M. Célestin Port, in Mélanges historiques. Choix de documents, II, 189-569. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1877. See especially 476-88 for William’s recommendations on Church reform submitted to the Council of Vienne, 1311. (Cf. Coulton, Life, I, 220 ff.)

William of Auvergne.  Ars predicandi. Ed. par A. De Poorter, “Un manuel de prédication médiévale,” Revue néoscolastique de philosophie, XXV (1923), 192-209.

Wyclif, Joh. Sermones. Vol. I: Super Evangelia Dominicalia. Ed. by Johann Loserth. London: Published for the Wyclif Society by Truebner & Co., 1887. (Typical references to the significance of God’s law and gospel preaching may be found on pp. 83-86, 110-11, 261-62, 268, 377.

———.  De veritate sacrae scripturae. Ed. by R. Buddensieg. 3 vols. London: Truebner & Co., 1905-07. Especially Vol. I, 1, 119-25, 316, 366-70, 396; Vol. II, 112, 129-31, 136-39, 156, 160-61, 167, 179, 241-44, 270-77.

Sew. Ar.
———. Select English Works. . . . Ed. by Thomas Arnold. 3 vols. (Sermons in I and II). Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1869-70.

Wyc. Wr.
———.Writings of . . .  John Wickliff . . . . (British Reformers: Wickliff to Bilney, Vol. I). 2d American ed. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, n. d.

Wulfstan. Homilies. (Cook & Tnkr. Tr.).



Albert, F. R.  Die Geschichte der Predigt in Deutschland bis Luther. 3 Bde. Guetersloh: Bertelsmann, 1892-96.

Baldwin, C. S.  Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic to 1400: Interpreted from Representative Works. New York: Macmillan Co., 1928.

Bennett, R. F.  The Early Dominicans. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1937. Chs. V, VI, and VII are valuable, source-based interpretations of “The Dominican Preacher”; “The Preacher’s Congregation”; and “The Sermons.”

Bonmann, P.  “Zur Geschichte der Homiletik im Mittelalter,” Franziskanische Studien. XXV (1938), 274-84.

Bourgain, L’Abbé L.  La chaire française au XIIe siècle d’après les manuscrits. Paris: Société Générale de Librairie Catholique, 1879.

Preachers are treated by name and accomplishment. Sermons, and society as described by the sermons, are usefully presented. Perhaps the most valuable is the discussion on representative preachers from secular clergy, regular clergy, and the heretics (pp. 3-169).

Bourret, J. C. Ern.  Essai historique et critique sur les sermons français de Gerson d’après les manuscrits inédites. . . . Paris: Ch. Douniol, 1858.

Caplan, H.  Mediaeval artes praedicandi: A Hand-List. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1934. Printed and manuscript authors, with the titles of their works, are dated and identified. An invaluable aid.

———.  “Classical rhetoric and the Mediaeval Theory of Preaching,” Classical Philology, XXVIII.2 (April, 1933), 73-96.

———.  “The Four Senses of Scriptural Interpretation and the Mediaeval Theory of Preaching,” Speculum, IV (July, 1929), 282-90.

———.  “Rhetorical Invention in Some Mediaeval Tractates on Preaching,” Speculum, II (1927), 284-95. The above articles preserve a peculiarly rich distillation of research knowledge and interpretative brilliancy.

Carnahan, D. H. (ed.).  “The ‘Ad Deum Vadit’ of Jean Gerson Published from the Manuscript Bibliothèque Nationale, Fonds Fr. 24841,” University of Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, III.1 (February, 1917), 9-155. Prefaced to the critical edition of the text is a discerning appreciation of preaching in the era of Gerson.

Cayré, F.  Patrologie et histoire de la théologie. Vols. I and II. 2d ed. Paris: Desclée et Cie, 1933.


Charland, Th.-M. Artes praedicandi. . . . (See under primary sources for full data and annotations.)

———.  “Les auteurs d’ ‘Artes Praedicandi’ au XIIIe siècle d’après les manuscrits.” Publications de l’institut d’études médiévales d’Ottawa, I (Études d’histoire littéraire et doctrinale du XIIIe siècle. Première série), 41-60. Ottawa: Instit. d’Études Méd., 1932. The studies of sermon manuals by William of Auvergne, John of Rochelle, Albert the Great, (Pseudo) Bonaventura, (Pseudo) Thomas, and John of Galles are excellent.

Connolly, J. L.  John Gerson, Reformer and Mystic. Louvain: Librairie Universitaire, 1928.

Crane, T. F. “Mediaeval Sermon books and Stories,”  Proceedings of the American Philological Society, XXI.114 (1833), 49-78.

———.  “Mediaeval Sermon-books and Stories and Their Study Since 1883,” Ibid., LVI.1 (1917), 369-402.

Cruel, R.  Geschichte der deutschen Predigt im Mittelalter. Detwold: Meyer, 1879. This is as valuable for German lands, over a comprehensive period, as Bourgain and Lecoy for France in a limited span.

Dargan, E. C.  The Art of Preaching in the Light of History. Nashville, Tenn.: Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, 1922.

This is a useful analysis of many primary materials that have to be assessed in properly evaluating the history of preaching. In it may be found excellent summaries of preaching manuals from the earliest period up to recent times.

———.  A History of Preaching. 2 vols. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1905-11.

This book, long since obsolete in many of its data and much of its literature, is still one of the few works treating the entire scope of Christian preaching from a historical viewpoint. Taken together with the author’s Art of Preaching, it makes a contribution not to be ignored; especially by those who read English only.

Davy, M. M.  Les universitaires Parisiens de 1230-1231. Paris: J. Vrin, 1931.

Pp. 22-76 constitute an invaluable appreciation of sermon technique and practice in relation to university instruction and academic preaching. The Artes praedicandi and their prescriptions for the division and development of the sermon are critically but sympathetically handled. Pp. 82 ff. relate University of Paris sermons to such issues as theology and philosophy, 322 civil law, absenteeism, heresies and councils, clerical life and functions, regular and secular clergy, and the different categories of society.

Deanesly, Margaret. The Lollard Bible and Other Medieval Biblical Version. Cambridge: At the University Press, 1920.

It is hard to accord this volume too much praise. The limits of pre-Wycliffite Biblical study by higher clergy, friars, monks, clerks, parish priests, and lay people are laid down (156-224). “Wycliffe as the Instigator of a Vernacular Bible” is Ch. IX, 225-51.

Dodd, C. H.  The Apostolic Preaching and Its Developments. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1936.

Duckett, E. S.  Anglo-Saxon Saints and Scholars. New York: Macmillan Co., 1947.

Galbraith, G. R.  The Constitution of the Dominican Order, 1216-1360. Manchester: At the University Press, 1925. An indispensable work including a fourteenth-century text of the Constitution.

Gilson, E. “Michel Menot et la technique du sermon médiéval,” Revue d’histoire françiscaine, II.3 (1925), 301-60.

Grupp, G.  Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters. 6 vols. New ed. Paderborn: Schoeningh, 1923-32.

Haskins, C. H.  Studies in Mediaeval Culture. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1929. Ch. II, pp. 36-72, is entitled: “The University of Paris in the Sermons of the Thirteenth Century.”

Hering, H.  Die Lehre von der Predigt. Berlin: Reuther und Reichard, 1905.

Hurter, H. (ed.).  Nomenclator literarius theologiae Catholicae. . . . 3d ed. Vols I and II. Oeniponte: Libraria Academica Wagneriana, 1903-06.

Julleville, L. Petit de.  Histoire de la langue et de la littérature française des origines à 1900. Tome IX: moyen âge (des origines à 1500). Deuxième partie. Paris: A. Colin et Cie, 1896. An old but very helpful work, especially in its Ch. V on “Sermonnaires et Traducteurs.”

Kerr, Hugh T.  Preaching in the Early Church. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1942.

Useful, in large degree, because of the collection of quoted materials and for its secondary reaction to the early Fathers. The author has no idea of contributing, in a research fashion, to the deep problems of homiletic history.

Kiessling, E. C.  The Early Sermons of Luther and Their Relation to the Pre-Reformation Sermon. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1935.


Laistner, M. L. W.  Thought and Letters in Western Europe, A. D. 500 to 900. New York: Macmillan Co., 1931.

Langlois, Ch.-V.  “L’éloquence sacrée au moyen âge,” Revue des Deux Monde. CXV (1893), 170-201.

This is one of the older articles which made a penetrating contribution to the interpretation of historical materials in the light of manuscripts.

———.  “Sermons Parisiens de la première moitié du XIIIe siècle, contenus dans le manuscrit 691 de la bibliothèque d’Arras,” Journal des Savants, Nouv. Sér., XIV (1916), 488-94; 548-59.

A detailed analysis, having large significance beyond the immediate area of investigation.

Lecoy de la March, A.  La chaire française au moyen âge spécialement au XIIIe siècle: d’après les manuscrits contemporains. Paris: Renouard, 1886.

No work has ever replaced this distinctive contribution to the problem of preaching based upon manuscript evidences with its brief, cogent summations of specific preachers of every type; the problem of hearers addressed; languages used; kinds and classifications of sermons; sermon analyses, division and expansion; preparation and delivery; and homiletic reflections of social life as participated in by all kinds of ecclesiastics, feudal lords, common people, domestic groups, schoolmen, and literary classes

———. La société au treizième siècle. Paris: Société Générale de Librairie Catholique, 1880.

Ch. VI, on the sermon (233-86), places a hypothetical sermon in its proper setting and brings into the forefront, with it, almost every related problem of surrounding conditions, people present, preacher’s approach used, kinds of stories told, and effect secured.

Lentz, C. G. H.  (See under primary sources.)

Linsenmayer, A.  Geschichte der Predigt in Deutschland. . . . Muenchen: Ernst Stahl sen., 1886.

Madonnet, P.  Saint Dominique: l’idée, l’homme et l’oeuvre. . . . 2 vols. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer et Cie, 1937.

This work, in which M. H. Vicaire and R. Ladner participated, was later translated, minus “Five of the more erudite and technical Studies,” by Sister Mary Benedicta Larkin O. P. as St. Dominic and His Work. St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder, 1945. In the English edition, pp. 120-75, are amply documented studies of twelfth-century decadence and the Church’s attempts to revive preaching; as well as a chapter on the “Ordo Predicatorum.” Cf. the French ed., II, 13-68. Latin texts in the notes of the French work are translated in the English version.


Manitius, M.  Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters. 3 vols. München: Beck, 1911-31. An indispensable work.

Mosher, J. A.  The Exemplum in the Early Religious and Didactic Literature of England. New York: Columbia University Press, 1911. A useful, pioneering work in English.

Mourin, L.  Six sermons français inédits de Jean Gerson. . . . Paris: J. Vrin, 1946. An authoritative work invaluable for notes and bibliography as well as text.

Nebe, A.  Zur Geschichte der Predigt. Bd. I. Wiesbaden: J. Neidner, 1879.

Owst, G. R. Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England: A Neglected Chapter in the History of English Letters and of the English People. Cambridge: University Press, 1933. This and the following work by the same author set a new standard of research interpretation in an almost virgin field.

———. Preaching in Medieval England, An Introduction to Sermon Manuscripts of the Period c. 1350-1450. Cambridge: University Press, 1926.

Peckham, J. L. Archbishop Peckham as Religious Educator. Yale Studies in Religion No. 7, Historical Monograph. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1934.

Especially helpful sections treat Peckham’s work with secular clergy (31-43) and laity (49-82); his influence upon ecclesiastical legislation (83-97); and upon clerical manuals (98-113). Cf. 122-27 ff.

Rothe, R.  Geschichte der Predigt. . . . . Bremen: M. Heinsius, 1881.

Schnuerer, G.  Kirche und Kultur im Mittelalter. 3 vols. Paderborn: Schoeningh, 1924-26.

Schwab, J.  Joannes Gerson. Wuerzburg: Stachel, 1858.

Smalley, B. The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1941.

Wider than the problem of preaching in itself, this study involves many insights into the homiletic situation. The orientation is in terms of the Fathers, Monastic and Cathedral Schools, and the Victorines. The Comestor, the Chanter, and Stephen Langton are considered in terms of Lectio, Disputatio, and Praedicatio (156-218). The section on the Friars is useful (219-65).

Smyth, C. The Art of Preaching: A Practical Survey of Preaching in the Church of England, 747-1939. New York: Macmillan Co., 1940.

Particularly useful are the introduction; the discussion in Ch. I of the medieval sermon schemes as developed from Basevorn and Waleys; and the treatment in Ch. III of the Exemplum. 325 Here a generous use has been made of Welter, as well as original collections of medieval lore.

Steidle, R.  Patrologia. . . . Freiburg i/B: Herder, 1937.

Vansteenberghe, E.  Le cardinal Nicolas de Cues (1401-1464), l’action, la pensée. Paris: Champion, 1920.

Welter, J. T.  L’exemplum dans la littérature religieuse et didactique du moyen âge. Paris: E. H. Guitard, 1927.

A work of unsurpassed industry and scholarly sufficiency embodying an excellent sample, ed. from MS sources, of one of Jacques de Vitry’s Sermones Vulgares, in full.

Wright, F. A., and Sinclair, T. A.  A History of Later Latin Literature from the Middle of the Fourth to the End of the Seventeenth Century. New York: Reoutledge & Sons, 1931.

Zawart, Anscar.  The History of Franciscan Preaching and of the Franciscan Preachers (1209-1927) :  A Bio-bibliographical Study. New York: Joseph F. Wagner, Inc., 1928. Most valuable portions involve “Types of the Franciscan Sermon,” pp. 241-92.





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