
From Xenophon’s Ephesian History: or the Love-Adventures of Abrocomas and Anthia, in Five Books. Translated from the Greek by Mr. Rooke [the Second Edition], London: Printed for J. Millan at Locke’s Head in Shug-Lane; 1727, pp. 9-36.



Lycomedes, one of the most powerful and wealthy Citizens of Ephesus, had, by his Wife Themisto, of the same city, a Son nam’d Abrocomas, so exceedingly beautiful, that neither Ionia, nor any other Country could ever boast the like. His Charms encreas’d with his Years; and the Gracefulness of 10 his Person, and the Endowments of his Mind seem’d to vie with each other for Superiority: And tho’ he made all parts of polite Learning his Study, and several Kinds of Musick his Diversion, yet did he not altogether neglect the manly Exercises of Riding, and Martial Discipline. By these Accomplishments he endeared himself, not only to the Ephesians, but to all the Asiaticks, who had great Hopes that he would, one Day, prove an eminent Citizen. They flatter’d his blooming Youth with more than human Honours; nay, some were not wanting to prostrate themselves before him, and pay him Adoration. Hence, he began to be proud of the Endowments of his Mind, but much more, with the Advantages of his Person, and to despise every Thing said concerning him, as falling short of his real Merit: No Object was deem’d worthy of his Sight, nor any Subject of Discourse worthy his Attention; and if he chanc’d to hear of the Charms of any Youth, or Virgin, he would fall into immediate Laughter at the Ignorance of the Relater, as not knowing that all Perfections of Body and Mind center’d in him. Love, he look’d upon as no God, but altogether disdain’d and rejected him; asserting that none could be captivated by a Diety, and enthrall’d against his Will. If at any Time, he chanc’d to cast his Eyes upon a Temple 11 or Image of Love, he smil’d, and insinuated that his own Beauty and Excellencies were superior to any God of that Sort: And this was the Turn of his Mind for a long Time; for wheresoever he approach’d, he disdain’d to contemplate, or even to bestow one Glance on any Picture or Statue whatsoever. But Love, a Diety, stubborn, proud, and inexorable, laid Snares for him; and as he seem’d so hard to be subdu’d, therefore arm’d with the keenest of his Artillery, and the most exquisite of his Poisons, he approach’d towards him.

The yearly festival in Honour of Diana was held there, her Temple being scarce seven Furlongs distant from the City. The Virgins of that Place, in their richest Attire, assisted at the Celebration thereof; as also the young Men of the Age of Abrocomas, who was in his Sixteenth Year, and had the chief Place in that Solemnity. A mighty Concourse of People, as well Strangers as Citizens, were present; and there the Virgins were wont to look out for Spouses, and the young Men for Wives. The Procession mov’d regularly along, the holy Utensils, Torches, Baskets and Perfumes led the Van, and were follow’d by the Horses, Hounds, and Hunting Accoutrements as well offensive as defensive. Each of the Virgin Train behav’d 12 as in Presence of her Lover, They were led on by Anthia the Daughter of Megamedes and Evippa, who far surpass’d the rest in Beauty, and had now attain’d to the Age of Fourteen. The Elegance of her Dress added nothing to the Comeliness of her Person. Her Golden Hair was partly bound up in Tresses, but the greatest Part thereof hung loose, and sported in the Wind. Her piercing Eyes carried Mirth, as a Maid; but darted Severity, as an Emblem of Chastity. Her Attire was a Purple Gown, hanging loose from her Waste to her Knees, the Skin of a Fawn girded it round, on which hung her Quiver and Arrows. She bore her hunting Arms, and Javelins, and her Hounds follow’d her. The Ephesians beholding her in the Grove, have often ador’d her as their Goddess; and the Multitude viewing her, have cry’d out with Amazement; so that there has been a strange Confusion of Voices, one Part affirming her to be Diana her self, the other, one of her Companions; but all agreed in offering up their Requests to her, in paying her Adoration, and pronouncing her Parents above Measure happy. Fair Anthia was in every one’s Mouth, and among the Train of Virgins then passing by, none seem’d to mention any Name but hers. Yet Abrocomas no sooner approach’d, with his retinue of young Men, a most 13 agreeable Sight! than her Idea slipt insensibly out of the Minds of each of them, and all Eyes were fix’d upon him. Astonish’d with the Sight! they suddenly cry’d out, O beauteous Abrocomas! incomparable in thy Perfections! express Image of a God! Nay, some of them proceeded to add, How equal would be the Band between him and Anthia. These were the first Symptoms of Love: But immediately after, a mutual Esteem for each other, seiz’d them both; and from that Time, Anthia is in Raptures at the Sight of Abrocomas, and Abrocomas at the Sight of Anthia; who, till that Instant, had been unacquainted with the soft and tender Passion.

When the Procession was over, all the Multitude enter’d the Temple to offer Sacrifice, and the Order of the Solemnity ceas’d. There was a promiscuous Croud of old Men and Women, young Men and Virgins. There it was, where Anthia was charm’d with the Person of Abrocomas, and there Abrocomas was smitten with Love, and held his Eyes fix’d upon Anthia; neither could he, nor indeed sought he to avoid that tempting Object; for the God of Love hade lain in Wait for him, and ensnar’d him. Anthia was grievously tortur’d, having 14 with greedy, and expanded Eyes received the Beauties of Abrocomas into her Heart; wherefore now rejecting the common Forms which restrain Virgins from declaring their Sentiments, she spoke her Mind freely in her Abrocomas’s Hearing; and at the same expos’d her delicate Limbs to his View, so far as the Custom of the Country allow’d. He, giving his Eyes and his Desires a full Loose, immediately yielded himself a Captive to Love. The Sacrifice being finish’d, they departed thence, full of Discontent, complaining of the Shortness of the Time. They stop again, and again, with an eager Desire of beholding each other, and often return, making numerous Excuses for their Delay. So soon as they came Home, they were sensible into what Miseries they were fallen: The Hopes of another Interview seiz’d them, Love was kindled, and the remaining Part of the Day was so much employ’d in indulging that Passion, that when Night approach’d, they were tormented with the greatest Anxieties of Mind imaginable; neither of them being able to bear the extreme Violence thereof: Abrocomas seizing, and tearing his Apparel, cries out, “Wo is me! Wretch that I am! What Miseries do I undergo! Hitherto I have shew’d my self valiant, defy’d Love, and laugh’d at the God; but now I am conquer’d and enslav’d, 15 and forc’d to own Subjection to a Maid. Every Mortal, now, excels me in Beauty, and I shall henceforth make no scruple to acknowledge Love’s Diety. O wretched, weak Youth that I am! But shall I not resist? shall I not continue my Resolutions? shall not my Charms still surpass those of the God of Love? shall I now meanly and servilely stoop to the Chastisement of that God whom I formerly disdain’d? ’Tis true, she is divinely fair; but what then? Anthia who shines so bright in Abrocomas’s Eyes is a Virgin: Away! let no such Thoughts enter my Heart, nor let Love ever gain the upper Hand.” Whilst he was thus speaking, the God attacks him afresh, with greater Violence, draws him on, in spite of Resistance, and tortures him, notwithstanding, all his Efforts to the contrary. He, no longer able to endure the Smart, prostrating himself to the Ground, cry’d out, “O Love, thou art now a Conqueror! let a huge Trophy be erected to Thee out of Abrocomas’s spoils! See here a Slave, suppliant, undone, yet Thine! flying for Succour to Thee, the Soveraign of all Beings! Disdain me not! nor inflict too severe a Penalty on my past Insolence! before I was sensible of thy Power, I bore my self too haughtily, but now, grant me my beloved Anthia, 16 and shew that thou art a God, who delightest more in shewing Mercy to the suppliant, than in punishing the stubborn and inflexible.” Here he broke off, but the God still retaining his Wrath, was resolv’d to give him a bitter Chastisement for his former Contempt of his Diety.

Anthia was also much disturb’d in Mind, and being no longer able to endure her Torment, arose, and tho’ she endeavour’d to conceal her Griefs from all present, yet could she not forbear breaking forth into these Exclamations: “Alas!” says she, “into what strange Miseries am I fallen! I am enflam’d with a Passion, inconsistent with my Years, and involv’d in a new kind of Trouble, unbecoming a Virgin! Abrocomas’s Love distracts me; a beauteous Youth he is indeed, but too much addicted to Pride. Where will my Desires end? Where will my Griefs terminate? He, whom I love is fierce and cruel, I, a poor Maid, surrounded with Guards. Whom shall I choose for a Comforter? To whom shall I communicate my Sorrows? When shall I, once more, see Abrocomas?” Thus, both the Lovers pass’d away the Night, in a continued Sorrow. They had each other’s Idea before their Eyes, and each other’s Image possess’d their Hearts.


As soon as the Dawn appear’d, Abrocomas hasten’d to his usual Exercises. The Virgin, according to Custom, attended the Worship of the Goddess. They were much fatigu’d, and dispirited, with the Troubles of the preceding Night. Their Eyes appear’d dull and languid; their Colour was lost, and they were every way much chang’d. It was now to no purpose for them to tarry in the Temple, to gaze on each other, because, thro’ an extraordinary Dread, neither of them durst presume to declare their real Sentiments to the other. Abrocomas, in the mean time, sigh’d and wept, and turn’d himself to his dear Anthia, who pitied his Sufferings, listen’d to his Complaint, and sympathiz’d with him in all his Sorrows. And when any Virgins or Women look’d upon Abrocomas, (for all beheld him with Admiration) she could not forbear shewing her Grief, fearing lest she should appear less pleasing in his Eyes. Each of the Lovers, unknown to the other, offer’d up their Vows to the Goddess. Abrocomas’s Malady encreas’d daily, insomuch that he was no longer able to conceal it. His Body was so much disfigur’d, and his Mind so much depress’d, that Lycomedes and Themisto were in the utmost Trouble imaginable concerning their Son, as being 18 altogether ignorant of what had happen’d to him, but somewhat suspicious from the Alteration of his Countenance. Megamedes and Evippa were in no less Fears for their Daughter Anthia, whom they saw daily wasting, without any apparent Cause of such Decay. The Priests and Soothsayers are at length, brought, to the Virgin, to consult about her Troubles, and administer Relief. They, indeed, offer Sacrifices, use numerous Libations, utter certain barbarous and uncouth Expressions, affirm they have appeased the Wrath of, I know not what, Dieties; and pronounce that her Malady proceeded from the infernal Gods. Many Sacrifices were also offer’d by Lycomedes for Abrocomas, and many Prayers were made to the Gods, but neither of the Lovers were eased by these Means; on the contrary, their Pains were rather augmented, and both of them, labouring under such a dreadful Distemper, were in daily Apprehensions of Death; tho’, at the same time, they had not the Courage to unfold the Cause of their Sufferings to each other. But at length their Parents sent to consult the Gods, and to enquire into the Cause of their Disease, as well as its remedy.


The Temple of Apollo at Colophon is not far distant from Ephesus, a short Ferry of no more than eighty Furlongs in Breadth, separating the two Cities. They, who were sent thither by their Parents, intreating the God to deliver true Oracles, receiv’d, from him, an Answer common to both, in these Verses.

You’d learn the Rise, and End of all their Grief,
Their Ills the same, demand the same Relief
A Scene of Woes, and weary Toils I see
Fix’ed on them both, by Fate’s severe decree:
Long shall they bear the Sea’s incessant Rage,
And long, on Shore, with num’rous Deaths engage
Seiz’d by a Race, the Troublers of the Main,
Long shall they groan beneath a servile Chain,
One Bed, one Pile, one Tomb shall both contain:
Mean while, free Gifts on
Isis Altar lay,
Who will them, safe, to seven-mouth’d
Nile convey;
And when these threat’ning Storms are overblown,
Cloudless, and calm, shall their last Sun go down.

These Answers were no sooner brought to Ephesus, than both their Parents were astonish’d, as not able to find out what Mischiefs were foretold concerning their Children, for they could 20 not possibly conceive what a Disease, Toiles, Bonds, Tomb, Fever, and the Assistance they were to expect from a God, could mean. They therefore concluded, after a long Consultation, to do as much as in them lay, to mitigate the Severity of the Oracles, by speedily joining their Children together in Marriage; as deeming, the God pointed out that State for them: And the Nuptials being consummated, they determin’d, next, to send them, for some Time, to travel. Now, every Place throughout the City, was full of Feasting, and Garlands ; and the design’d Marriage was, every where, spoke of with Joy. They were pronounc’d happy by all; Abrocomas, in that he was to be married to the fair Anthia, and She, in being about to enjoy so sweet a Spouse as Abrocomas. He, fully assur’d of the Oracle’s Answer, and the intended Nuptials, was nevertheless so overjoy’d at the Thoughts of gaining Anthia, that he was not at all disturb’d at the Prophecy, as deeming his present Joy sufficient to overballance all future Sorrows. Anthia also was so glad that Abrocomas should be hers, that she slighted all the Threats of Flight, and other Calamities; because she look’d upon him, as her sole Comfort in all future Changes of Fortune.


When, therefore, the time of the Nuptials drew nigh, the Vigils were celebrated, and many Sacrifices offer’d up to the Goddess. These Rites finish’d, and the Night come, every Thing seem’d to delay the Wishes of the new married Pair. They conducted the Virgin into the Bridal-Chamber by Torch-light, singing an Epithalamium, praying for Happiness, and entreating the Guests to sit down. The Bridal-Chamber was sumptuously adorn’d: The Golden Bed, spread over with a Purple Covering, and form’d, over-head, like a Babylonian Tent, with Cloth of various Colours. Now enter’d the sporting Loves, whereof some attended on Venus, who was there represented. Others rode upon Sparrows, as upon Horses: Some wove Garlands, others brought Offerings of Flowers. In a different Part was Mars, not cloath’d in Armour, but adorn’d, as ready to sink down in the soft Embraces of Venus. A Garland surrounded his Temples, a Cloak covered his Shoulders, and Love holding a lighted Torch, conducted him. Anthia was no sooner introduc’d into this Tent, and presented to Abrocomas, than the Guests dispers’d, and the Doors were clos’d. Then, the same Passion seiz’d both the Lovers at once: Neither of them were able to speak; nor were either of them able to look 22 each other in the Face. They lay, as it were, entranc’d in an Extacy of Joy: They were asham’d, fearful, breathless, and even immers’d in unwonted Raptures. Their Joints trembled, their Limbs shook, and their Spirits were in a violent Agitation. Abrocomas, assoon as he recover’d himself a little, embrac’d his weeping Anthia, who pour’d forth Tears, as the Emblems of her inward Wishes. And “O most desirable Night,” cry’d he, “how many Nights of Grief have I undergone, before I could arrive at this? O my Maid, dearer to me than Light, and happier than any Virgin in all the Records of ancient Times. Thou hast a Lover for whom the fairest Maids would gladly live or die.” Having thus said, he kiss’d her, and receiv’d her Tears, which were, to him, sweeter than Nectar, and more efficacious towards the cure of his Malady, than all the power of Medicine. “O my Abrocomas,” said she, interrupting him, “do I really seem so fair in your Eyes? and can I be so pleasing to you, who are so exquisitely form’d in your own Person? O fearful, and regardless! how long will you delay your Love, and how long shall that continue to be the least of your Cares; hence, ’tis no Difficulty to learn how much you sympathize with my Sufferings; yet now receive 23 those Tears, and suffer these precious Locks of yours to drink off the Cup of Love. Let us cleave to each other in mutual Embraces, that our Garlands may be bedew’d with Tears, and that they may be Witnesses of our Loves.” At these Words, she incircled him with her Arms, and mov’d his Locks to her Eyes. Their Garlands met together on their Brows, and their Lips joining in soft Kisses, convey’d thence to their Souls, their most tender and passionate Thoughts. She bestowing a thousand Kisses upon his eyes, “O how often, cry’d out, have you tormented me with unsurmountable Griefs! You first transfix’d my Soul with your keen Darts. You who were once so full of Pride and Arrogance, are now full of Love and Kindness. You well deserve my Endearments, for conveying my Affections to Abrocomas’s Heart. You I therefore kiss, and to You I now remove my Eyes, these Adorers of Abrocomas. O may you ever continue to receive such Objects! may you never henceforth, shew a Virgin of an elegant Form to my Lover; nor shall any other Man, from this time, ever seem beautiful in my Sight. Behold those Heats you have enflam’d, those receive, and preserve with the utmost Diligence.” Having thus said, they join’d in a close Embrace, and ceas’d Discourse. 24 Then it was, they first tasted Love’s pleasing Joys; and during the Night, they strove which should outdoe each other in the amorous Engagement.

So soon as the Day appear’d, they arose with a more than ordinary Cheerfulness, the Gods having then granted them the full and long desired Completion of their Wishes. Their whole Life was, then, one continued Festival, so charg’d with Mirth and Banquets, that the Oracle’s Response was entirely buried in Oblivion. But the Fates had not chang’d their Decrees, neither were they forgot by that God who gave the Oracles; for, in a short Time, as their Parents had before determined, they were sent abroad, to see other Cities, and other Countries: For they imagin’d the Answer would be compleated, if they were, for some Time, absent from Ephesus. All things were straight prepar’d for their Departure; choice Ships, and expert Sailors provided; great Variety of Sea-Stores put on Board; many rich and different Kinds of Apparel allow’d them, with an ample Passport to secure them. They sacrifis’d to Diana for a prosperous Voyage, and the Prayers and Tears of the whole Multitude attended their Departure, as tho’ they had been their own Children. Their Ship was 25 bound to Ægypt, and when the Hour of sailing approach’d, and the Vessel was ready to launch into the Deep, the Crowd of young Men and Maids, and all the great Multitude of the Citizens of Ephesus follow’d them, many of * * *  with Torches and Perfumes. Lycomedes and Themisto, in the mean time, revolving in their Minds all the aforemention’d Accidents, the Oracle, their Son, and his Travels, sunk down to the Earth with Sorrow; but Megamedes and Evippa being of a more courageous Disposition, waited the more earnestly for the Accomplishment of the Prediction.

Now began the Sailors to bawl aloud, the Anchors were weigh’d, the Pilot took his Place, the Ship gain’d Way, and the promiscuous Shouts, as well of those on the Shore, as of these on Board, succeeded: Those calling out, “O! dear Children, say, Shall your tender and indulgent Parents ever behold you again?” And These, “O Parents! Shall we ever again receive the Happiness of seeing you?” Hence follow’d Tears, Wailings, Sighs, every one, on Shore, calling to those on board, by Name, as it were to imprint their Ideas the firmer on their Memory. Megamedes taking a Cup, pours out his Libation, 26 and offers up his Prayers so loud as to be heard to the ship, “Farewell, my dear Children,” cries he, “and may you avoid the unhappy Prediction; may the Ephesians again receive you safe and sound, and may you, once more, taste the Sweets of your native Soil. But, if the Gods have otherwise decreed, know, we shall not long survive you. We suffer you to undertake an Expedition, dangerous indeed, but necessary.” A Flood of Tears restrain’d him from further speaking, and all the Multitude return’d into the City, exhorting him, by Turns, to be of good Courage.

Abrocomas and Anthia comforted, and embrac’d each other, while a thousand Thoughts occur’d. They had Compassion on their Parents, a Desire for their Country, they dreaded the Oracle’s Answer, they fear’d the Success of the Voyage; but their only comfort was, they were both in one Vessel. That Day, they sail’d with a prosperous Gale, and reach’d Samos, an Island sacred to Juno . There, they Sacrifice, there they Sup, there they offer up their Prayers, and, as soon as Night approach’d, prosecute their Voyage. In the Second Days sailing they had much Discourse, Whether the Fates would always suffer them to live together? Abrocomas 27 fetching a deep Sigh, and remembring his past Troubles, “O my Anthia,” says he, “dearer to me than Life, how happy should I be would the Gods permit us to enjoy Health, and preserve us together, but if we are doom’d to suffer, why should we be separated? Let us swear solemnly to each other, Thou, my better Part, to preserve thy self for ever chaste, and never to receive the Addresses of any Man, I, never to offer Love to any other Woman.” Anthia no sooner heard this, than she wept bitterly, “O my Abrocomas,” says she, “why shouldst thou suffer such Thoughts to harbour in thy Breast? If I should be torn from thee, canst thou suppose I would ever encourage the Addresses of another, when I am not able to live one Moment without thee? I call the great Diana, my Country’s Goddess, to witness, and this Sea we are now passing over, as also the God who exercises his Power over us both, that were I depriv’d of Thee, for never so small a Space of Time, I should neither enjoy Light nor Life afterwards.” Abrocomas took his Oath to the same Purpose, and that Circumstance of Time added no small Terror to their Oath son both Sides. Their Ship, in the mean time, passed by Cous and Cnidos, and came within Sight of Rhodes, a large and 28 beautiful Island. There, the Sailors pretended a Necessity of casting Anchor, as well to take in a Store of Water, as to refresh the Passengers, who had already endured the Fatigues of a long Voyage.

Their Ship is accordingly brought into Rhodes, the Mariners go on Shore, Abrocomas also descends, handing down his beloved Anthia. The Rhodians assemble together to gaze on their Beauty, and whoever beheld them could not keep Silence. Some cry’d out, That a God and Goddess were arrived, others offer’d them Adoration, and beg’d they would be propitious to them. The Names of Abrocomas and Anthia soon reach’d the most distant Parts of the City; the citizens made publick Prayers to them, offer’d many Sacrifices, and proclaim’d the Day of their Arrival, a Festival. They, having view’d the City, dedicate their Golden Armour to the Sun, hang them up in his Temple, and in Memory thereof, have this Epigram inscrib’d upon them.

Young Abrocomas and Anthia, here,
Ephesian Citizens, their Strength retrieve,
And to the Sun, great Ruler of the Year,
These Golden Arms, a grateful Present leave.


After the Dedication was ended, they tarried some few Days in the Island, but then, the Marriners pressing for their Departure, and their Provisions being put on Board, they unmoor’d, a great Multitude of the Rhodians following them. A pleasing Gale, and a prosperous Fate attended them all that Day, and, the next Night, they reach’d the Sea, commonly call’d the Ægyptian Sea: But, the Day following, the Wind ceasing, they lay becalm’d; hence happen’d a slow sailing, a neglect of Duty in the Marriners, as also Feasting and Drunkenness.

Then begun the Predictions of the Oracle to be fulfilled. A Woman in a Purple Habit, of a terrible Aspect, and more than human Size, seem’d to stand upon Abrocomas’s Ship, she denounc’d Death to the Crew, and assur’d him, that, after most of the rest were swallow’d up by the Waves, or fallen by Fire, or Sword, He, with Anthia, should escape. He was exceedingly troubled at this Vision, but no sooner recovered himself, than he prepar’d for the Event, which accordingly happen’d.

For a huge Rhodian Pyrate Galley, with three Banks of Oars, had chosen this Place for her Station. The Pyrates themselves were Phœnicians, 30 and made a Shew as if their Galley had been loaden with Merchandise, whereas, in reality, she was full of stout and undaunted Sailors. They had receiv’d Intelligence, that the Ship, they lay in waite for, was freighted with Gold and Silver, besides Slaves, and other things of great Value. They resolved, therefore, to fall upon them, by Surprize, to slay all who resisted, and carry the others into Phœnicia, to be disposed of, among the rest of the Cargoe, they looking upon them, as below their Rage. The name of the Captain of those Pyrates was Corymbus, a young Man of a fierce Aspect, piercing Eyes, and a Beard rough and deform’d. No sooner had the Pyrate Crew taken these Resolutions, than they came up with Abrocomas’s Ship, and it being then near Mid-day, while all the Sailors lay wallowing in Sloth and Debauchery, part of them drown’d in Sleep, and the rest half-dead, Corymbus approaches, with his swift Galley, and when they came nigh enough, the savage Crew, completely arm’d, leapt ito the Ship, with each his Sword in Hand. Then, some of the Marriners, in the utmost Consternation, threw themselves overboard, and perish; others, running to their Arms, to defend themselves, are suddenly slain. Abrocomas and Anthia press forward to meet Corymbus, and falling down before him, embrac’d 31 his Knees. “Our Treasures,” say they, “take freely into thy Possession, and our selves we yield to thee, to remain at thy Disposal; but we adjure thee, by this Sea, and by that Right-hand of thine, to forbear to slay those who voluntarily surrender themselves into thy Power. Carry us whithersoever it shall please thee: Sell us as Slaves, only out of meer compassion, grant that we may be both sold to one Master.” Corymbus list’ning to this Discourse, commands their Lives to be spared; and when his Crew had taken on board the most valuable part of the Lading, with Abrocomas and Anthia, and some few of the Slaves, they set Fire to the Ship, so that all the Marriners who escap’d the Fury of the Sword, perish’d in the Flames, it being thought neither easy nor safe to bring them away. A miserable Scene it was, to behold one part of the Ship’s company hurry’d into Slavery, and the other, still on board their flaming Vessel, wringing their Hands, and bewailing their bitter Fate. They were heard to cry out, “Whither, O my Masters, will ye be carried? What Land will now receive you? What City will you inhabit?” And they who were going into Slavery answer’d, “O thrice happy you, who are to suffer immediate Death, rather than enter into Bondage, 32 and experience the Chains of this Pyratical Crew.” In the mean while Abrocomas’s Tutor, an old Man, of a venerable Aspect, and worthy of Compassion, on account of his grey hairs, not able to see Abrocomas hurried into Slavery, cast himself head long into the Sea, and endeavour’d to gain the Pyrate Galley by swimming; crying out, at the same time, “O Abrocomas, my Son, where dost thou leave thy hoary Tutor? Whither art thou going? Do thou slay me, a miserable Wretch, with thy own Hands, and perform my funeral Rites, who am not able to live without thee.” Having thus said, and despairing, at last, to gain the Ship, wherein Abrocomas was, he yielded himself to the Mercy of the Waves, and was drowned. No Scene could be more dreadful to Abrocomas than this, he oft stretch’d out his Hands to him, and intreated the Pyrates to receive him on Board. But they slighted his Request. After three Days sailing they arriv’d at Tyre, a City in Phœnicia, where they dwelt * * *  they led their Prisoners not into the City, but to a neighbouring House of Apsyrtus (who was Master of the Pyrate Crew, and whose Substitute Corymbus was) for the more convenient Division 33 casting a continual Eye on Abrocomas, was desperately enamour’d with him and his Passion encreased daily. He was, however, sensible how difficult it would be to obtain his Desires, for he saw how deeply Abrocomas was smitten with Anthia, and what inward Tortures he endured for her Sake: Yet, therein, he seem’d to hazard his own Safety, and run headlong into imminent Danger. But when he arriv’d at Tyre, being no longer able to contain himself, he first endeavour’s to oblige Abrocomas with Offices of Kindness, exhorted him to be of good Cheer, and us’d his utmost Endeavours that all those should seem Acts of meer Humanity. He afterwards communicated the secret of his Amour to Euxinus one of his Fellow-Pyrates, and intreated his Assistance, begging, at the same Time, his best Advice, by what Means he might force the Youth to Compliance: Euxinus was overjoy’d to hear these News from Corymbus, for he had been a long time in Love with Anthia, and for her Sake had suffer’d all the Torments imaginable: He also decalr’d his Passion to Corymbus, and withall added, That it was to no Purpose to hurry themselves into unnecessary Dangers, because the most advent’rous did not always bear away the Prize they aim’d at. We may, said he, request, and receive them as a Present from Apsyrtus. 34 Those Speeches easily perswaded him, wherefore they agreed mutually to assist each other, that is, that Euxinus should endeavour to win Abrocomas by soft Language, and Corymbus use the same Means to prevail with Anthia. They weigh’d all Things in their Minds, and had much Discourse concerning every thing which could reasonably happen in the Affair, now and then swearing to each other, to observe their Compact. They accordingly hasten’d the Matter forwards, and feigning some private Affairs with them, one of them draws Anthia aside, and the other Abrocomas, who were much mov’d, as suspecting such a Visit could portend them no Good. However, Euxinus, on Corymbus’s Account, accosted Abrocomas in this Manner. “I make no Doubt, sweet Youth, but your present Misfortune grieves you, and that you are exceedingly troubled, from a Freeman to become a Slave, and from a rich Man to be overwhelm’d with Poverty. Weigh all these Things deliberately, rest contented with your present Fortune, and reverence your present Master. But know, that ’tis in your Power to regain your Liberty, and be reinstated in Prosperity, if you show your self obsequious to your Lord Corymbus. He dearly loves you, and designs 35 to make you Master of all his House; You will be obliged to undergo no Hardships, only consent to his Will, and you win his Heart for ever. Consider where you are! No Assistant nigh — an unknown Land — your Lords Pyrates — and no Possibility of escaping Punishment if you reject his Promises. What Advantage can you now reap from a Wife, or Family? or what Occasion can your tender Years have for a Mistress? Ponder all these Things in your own Breast, but be careful to respect your present Lord, and obey his Commands.” Abrocomas, hearing this, was struck dumb, at first, and knew not what Answer to make: He groan’d, and pour’d forth a Flood of Tears, but at last, reflecting into whose Hands he was fallen, he entreated Euxinus to grant him a little Time to consider what Answer he should return. Euxinus accordingly left him.

Corymbus was no less busied in declaring the Passion of Euxinus to Anthia, and the present Necessity she was in of obeying her Lord’s Will. He promis’d largely. A lawful Marriage, abundance of Wealth, and an Affluence of all Things was to be her’s, if she condescended. She return’d the same Answer to Corymbus, which 36 Abrocomas had before given to Euxinus, requesting a little time to deliberate. Euxinus and Corymbus having met together, impatiently waited for each other’s Speech, and little doubted but they would easily bring them to a Complyance with their Desires.


  * * *   A small Chasm in the Original.

  * * *   A small Chasm in the Original.


