
From Xenophon’s Ephesian History: or the Love-Adventures of Abrocomas and Anthia, in Five Books. Translated from the Greek by Mr. Rooke [the Second Edition], London: Printed for J. Millan at Locke’s Head in Shug-Lane; 1727, pp. 87-112.



Abrocomas, taking his Leave of Ægypt, could not gain Italy, as he intended, because his Ship was toss’d by contrary Winds, and driven from her right Course: He therefore landed at Syracusa, a fair and populous City of Sicily, and determin’d to travel round the Island, to enquire if he could hear any News of his Anthia. He was receiv’d into the House of a certain old Fisherman, near the shore, named Ægileus, who was poor, and a Foreigner. He, nevertheless, entertain’d Abrocomas 88 hospitably, and freely fed him by the Produce of his Labour: He also lov’d him dearly, and call’d him his Son. They would, sometimes, enter into serious Discourse together, and when Abrocomas had told the Story of his Troubles, his Anthia, his Love, and his Adventures Ægileus also begun to relate his in the following Manner:

“I am no Sicilian, my Son Abrocomas, I am not a Native of this Island, but a Lacedemonian of Sparta, descended from Parents bless’d with Wealth and Honours there. In the Bloom of my Youth, I lov’d a Maid of the same City, whose Name was Thelxinoe, and she return’d my Love. When the Vigils were solemniz’d, we met together, and the Gods directing us, enjoy’d the Pleasures we desir’d. We had many Meetings afterwards, in private, where, by mutual Vows and Oaths, we bound our selves, to be for ever true to each other, and that Death alone should part us. But some God envy’d me my Bliss, for I had scarce stil’d my self Man, when my Thelxinoe’s Parents promis’d her in Marriage, to one Androcles, an Inhabitant of the same City, who also lov’d her. The Maid delay’d their Nuptials a long Time, by various Excuses, and at last, willing to be 89 ever mine, consented that we should make our Escape from Lacedæmon by Night, we therefore habited our selves like Youths, and I cut off Thelxinoe’s Locks, on her Marriage-Night. Having thus left the City, we took our Way thro’ Argos to Corinth, and going on board a Vessel there, sail’d into Sicily. The Lacedæmonians hearing of our Flight, condemn’d us to Death. Here, indeed, we have long struggled with Want, but as we had the dear Enjoyment of each other’s Converse, we liv’d as comfortably as if we had roll’d in Plenty. Here also, not long since, my Thelxinoe dy’d. Her Body is not bury’d, for I keep it by me, and admire her, now she is dead, little less than when she was alive.”

Havig thus said, he led Abrocomas into an inner Chamber, and shew’d him an old Woman, once beautiful, and Wife to Ægileus. Her Body was embalm’d after the Ægyptian Manner, he being excellently skill’d in that Art; “And this is She,” said he, “my Son Abrocomas, I talk to her as tho’ she were living; I lay her by me, when I sleep, or when I eat; and if I return home, weary with Labour, the Sight of her refreshes me. But, O my Son, she appears to me far different from what she now is: Her Idea is fix’d in my Heart, as I once saw her at Lacedæmon, at the Vigils, 90 and in our Flight.” Whilst Ægileus was thus speaking, Abrocomas fetch’d a deep Sigh, and said, “O most unhappy Anthia, when shall I find thee, even dead! The body of Thelxinoe is now the chief Consolation of Ægileus’s Life; and by this I have learn’d that true Love is not to be defac’d by Age: I have already serach’d all Lands and Seas, and cannot hear of thee. O unfortunate Predictions! O Phoebus who gavest such rigorous Responses, now pity us, and let the Prophesies hasten to a Conclusion.

In this mournful Manner did Abrocomas spend his Time at Syracusa, but Ægileus comforted him, and taught him his Art. Hippothous, who was now at the Head of a Band of stout Robbers, determin’d to depart from Æthiopia, and attempt greater Exploits; for he was not contented to seize Travellers one by one, but he must attack whole Towns and Villages. Wherefore loading all his Spoils, whereof he had vast Plenty, upon Horses and Camels, and quitting Æthiopia, he, with his Crew, pass’d thro’ Ægypt to Alexandria, and had fresh Designs upon Phœnicia and Syria. He now believ’d Anthia to be dead, but Amphinomus, whom he had appointed to watch the Pit, wherein she was enclos’d, giving Way to Love, and not enduring to be torn from that dear Maid, 91 whom he so highly priz’d; and being, besides, fearful of some impending Mischief, deserted from Hippothous, as many of his Companions had done before, and conceal’d himself in a Cave, where he also convey’d all the Provisions he had gather’d together. Hippothous’s Crew entring a Village by Night, nam’d Arrius, with Design to plunder it, Amphinomus open’d the Pit, and brought forth his Anthia: He exhorted her to be of good Courage, and while she still remain’d fearful, and suspicious, he swore by the Sun, and the rest of the Ægyptian Deities, that she should preserve her self pure, and that he would not oblige her, even to Marriage; with out her free Consent. She, relying on his Oath, follow’d him, and the Dogs were their faithful Companions. When they reach’d Coptus, they design’d to tarry there, some Days, ’till Hippothous was march’d further off, taking Care, in the mean Time, that such watchful Guards as their Dogs were, should not want a due and necessary Support.

When Hippothous came to Arrius, he slew many of the Inhabitants, and setting Fire to their Houses, departed, not the Way he design’d, but down the Nile: For the Inhabitants of the neighbouring Towns gathering together, embark’d in their Boats, and sail’d to Schedia * *  and again 92 going on board, fell down the Stream a considerable Way, and then leaving it, march’d, by Land, thro’ the rest of Ægypt. So soon as the Præfect of Ægypt was throughly inform’d of what had happen’d at Arrius, and that Hippothous, and his Crew, had left Æthiopia; he rais’d a great Force, appointing one Polyidus, a Youth of elegant Form, and of a bold and enterprizing Soul, to be their Captain. He accepting the Charge, met Hippothous at Pelusium, and there, near the Banks of the River, a sharp Battle ensued, great Numbers fell on both Sides, and when Night acme on, the Robbers betaking themselves to Flight, were pursued, and may of them were slain by the Soldiers, and many taken Prisoners: Hippothous alone, casting away his Armour, escap’d, by Favour of the Night, to Alexandria. When he came there, he enter’d privately on board a Ship, and was very desirous to see Sicily; because there, he imagin’d, he might not only remain conceal’d, but also procure store of all Necessaries, for he had heard that Sicily was a large and plentiful Island. Polyidus thought it not sufficient to have overcome that Band of Robbers, but he was resolv’d to make a thorough Search, and entirely to rout them out of Ægypt; for he presum’d he should either meet with Hippothous, or some of his Crew: And accordingly, with a Party of his own Forces, and some Captives, whom he made use of to discover their Companions, he 93 sail’d up the Nile, search’d all the Towns he pass’d through, and design’d to penetrate as far as Æthiopia. Arriving at Coptus, where Amphinomus, with Anthia, lay hid; the Spies saw him, knew him, and gave Polyidus Intelligence. He was seiz’d, and, on his Examination, confess’d the whole Story concerning Anthia, who being sent for, she was ask’d who she was, and of what Country? She conceal’d the Truth, and only acquainted him, that she was an Ægyptian, lately taken by the Robbers. Polyidus had scarce made an end of asking her Questions, before he was violently inflam’d with her Charms; and, notwithstanding he had a Wife at Alexandria, he endeavour’d, by soft Words, and large Promises, to gain her Affections. They then departed for Alexandria, and taking Memphis in his Way, he there attempted to use Violence. She, as soon as she found a fit Opportunity, broke away from him, and enter’d the Temple of Isis, where prostrating her self, “Thou, O Goddess of Ægypt,” says she, “once more preserve the Wretch, whom thou hast often sav’d; and let Polyidus, for thy Sake, spare me, who have, hitherto, kept my Vows of Chastity to Abrocomas.” Polyidus, struck with the Fear of the Goddess, the Love of Anthia, and a generous Commiseration of her Sufferings, approach’d the Temple of the Sun, and there swore never to attempt to gain 94 her by Force, or offer any further Injury to her, but that she should live chaste as long as she pleas’d. He, at the same time, protested that he deem’d it sufficient Happiness, to be allow’d the Freedom of seeing her, and discoursing familiarly with her.

Anthia giving Credit to his Oaths, came forth, and as they had purposed to tarry Three Days at Memphis, to provide themselves with Necessaries, she took that Opportunity to visit the Temple of Apis, the most sumptuous Fabrick in Ægypt. That God gave Answers to all Querists, for whoever address’d the Deity, enter’d the Temple, and the Ægyptians, the Keepers thereof, sometimes in Prose, and sometimes in Verse, declar’d future Contingencies. Anthia approaching, prostrated her self, and said, “O God, favourable to Mankind! and, above all others, compassionate to Strangers! Pity me the most unfortunate of Women, and return me a true Answer concerning my Abrocomas. If indeed, I am ever henceforth to see, or enjoy him as a Husband, I shall live and hope, but if he be dead, ’tis much better for me to resign this uncomfortable Life.” Having thus said, she burst into Tears, and departed. In the mean Time, the Boys playing round the Temple, cry’d out, with a loud Voice, “Anthia shall soon enjoy her Husband 95 Abrocomas.” At which Words, her Courage return’d, she thank’d the God, and forthwith proceeded on her Journey to Alexandria.

The Wife of Polyidus hearing that her Husband was about to bring home a favourite Maid, and fearing lest the Stranger should have the Preference, meditated, within her own Breast, how to be reveng’d on her, who seem’d to threaten the sharing of her Nuptial Joys. In the mean Time, Polyidus having given the Præfect of Ægypt an Account of his Success, continued to trace out the Remains of those Disturbers of the Empire; and, during his Absence, his Wife Rhenæa calling for Anthia, who was then in the House, rent her Garments, and beat and abus’d her, crying out, “O wicked Woman! the Disturber of my Marriage Joys, in vain does Polyidus esteem thee fair. This Beauty of thine is of little Use to thee, unless to procure thee gentler Treatment among the Thieves, or a Night’s Lodging with some reeling Debauchee; but Rhenæa’s Bed shall not be thus shamefully abus’d.” Having thus said, she cut off her Locks, bound her, and deliver’d her to a trusty Servant of hers, nam’d Clytus, with orders to transport her to Italy, and there sell her to a Bawd, for, by that Means, adds she, “You, who are so beautiful, 96 may satisfy your Lust.” Anthia, drown’d in Tears, was led away by Clytus, crying out, as she went, with a mournful Voice, “O unhappy Beauty, ever prejudicial to its Possessor, why hast thou involv’d me in so many Mischiefs? Were not the Bonds, the Murder, the Tomb, and the Thieves, Punishments enough, but I must be condemn’d to a Stews? And shall my Chastity, so long preserv’d for Abrocomas’s sake, be, at last, expos’;d to a publick Brothel? O my Lord Clytus,” cry’d she, falling at his Feet, “hurry me not away to that detestable Place, but rather slay me thy self; I shall never own a Bawd for my Mistress, having always had a Disposition to Virtue.” Clytus listen’d to her Complaint, and pitied her, but durst not disobey his Mistress’s Orders. After she was dispatch’d into Italy, Polyidus returning home, was told by his Wife, that Anthia was fled, which he, considering how Matters might stand, easily believ’d. Anthia was carried to Tarentum, a City of Italy, where Clytus, pursuant to Rhenæa’s Directions, sold her to a Bawd, who gazing on her Features, and admiring them, as having never seen the like before, imagin’d she should make a prodigious Advantage of her; She therefore allow’d her three Days, as well to recover her Spirits, lost by the Fatigue of the Voyage, as to be cur’d of the blows which Rhenæa had given her.


As soon as Clytus return’d to Alexandria, he certify’d Rhoda of what he had done. Hippothous, in the mean time, landed in Sicily, not at Syracusa, but at Tauromenium, and was much straiten’d, at first, for Subsistance. When Abrocomas had tarried a long time at Syracusa, he fell into great Grief and Anguish, because he could neither find his Anthia, nor so much as procure a safe Passage home. He therefore purpos’d to pass over from Sicily to Italy, designing, if he could hear no News of her there, to undertake a mournful Voyage to Ephesus. Their Parents, and all the Ephesians, had been long troubled for them, and having receiv’d neither Letter, nor Message, since their Departure, sent every where about, to enquire after them; and, at last, unable to bear the Burthen of their Sorrows, and old Age, any longer, they voluntarily put an End to their Miseries, and their Lives together.

Whilst Abrocomas travell’d into Italy, Leucon and Rhoda, once Servant to him and Anthia, (their Master Xanthus being dead, and having left them large Possessions) determin’d to return home, as if their former Master and Mistress had been safe, for they thought, that themselves had suffer’d Plagues enough: All things being, therefore, provided, they embark’d for Ephesus, and after a few Days sailing, arriv’d at Rhodes, where being assur’d, that Abrocomas and Anthia 98 were not safe, and their Parents dead, they deferr’d their intended Voyage a while, ’till they should hear some further News concerning them.

The Bawd, who had purchas’d Anthia, forc’d her to stand before her Door, in rich Habit, shining with Gold; but when she was thus led forth, she cry’d out with a loud Voice, “Alas, Wretch that I am! Were not my past Miseries sufficient, the Chains and the Thievers, but that my Body must now be let out to hire. O Beauty, justly destructive, why shouldst thou remain so unseasonably with me? But wherefore do I spend my Time thus in weeping, and do not rather contrive some Means to preserve my Chastity.” When she had vented her Grief, she was led back into the Bawd’s House, who sometimes bid her take Courage, and at other times threaten’d her. When she stood thus before the Door, a Multitude of Admirers crowded round her, many of whom were ready to purchase their Pleasure at any Rate, but she finding her self involv’d in unspeakable Misery, at last, contriv’d a Way of avoiding them, and accordingly sunk down to the Earth, all at once; her Nerves were relax’d, her Body enfeebled, and she counterfeited that Disease which is nam’d the Divine. All the Company then present, seiz’d with Pity, or Fear, forgot their former Flames, and proffer’d her their Assistance. The Bawd 99 dreading this Accident, and believing her to be really sick, carried her into the House to repose, and recover her Health: As soon as she came a little to her self, she begun to enquire into the Cause of her Distemper. She reply’d, “I had told you of this Malady of mine before, and whatever had happen’d on that Account, but Modesty then oblig’d me to Silence, but as you are now acquainted with this, I shall not be asham’d to relate them. Know then, that while I was a Child, at a solemn Procession, on the Vigils of a Festival, I chanc’d to stray from my Companions, and came to the Tomb of a Person lately interr’d, when a certain Man leaping out from behind the Tomb, endeavour’d to lay hold of me. I shriek’d out aloud, and fled. His Aspect terrify’d me, but much more his rough and hollow Voice. The Dawn, at last, appear’d, when he suffer’d me to escape, but before he left me, he struck me on the Breast, and told me he had given me this Disease. The Malady forthwith seiz’d me, and has ever since tortur’d me several Ways, but I beseech you, O my Mistress,” continu’d she, “be not offended at me for what is not my Crime, for you may still dispose of me, without Loss.” The Bawd was griev’d at this, but had nothing to accuse her with, because her Sufferings were against her Will.


While she lay sick at the Bawd’s House, Abrocomas, leaving Sicily, came to Nuceria, a City of Italy, and was much at a Loss how to procure the common Necessaries of Life, his first Thoughts were, however, employ’d about his Anthia, the Care of his Life, and the Cause of his wandring. When he succeeded not in his Search after her, he hir’d himself to work among the Stone-Cutters, a hart Task to a Body unaccustom’d to long or heavy Labour; Wearied with Toil, he would often deplore his Condition, “Lo, my Anthia,” would he say, “here is your Abrocomas a Servant to a most laborious Business! Now have I sold my Body into Slavery indeed, but if I could have any Hope of finding thee, and spending the last Part of my Life with thee, that would be my chief Comfort. Now do I, a Wretch, macerate my self with vain and unprofitable Drudgery, while you are, in some Place or other, dying with Desire to see me, for, my dearest Anthia, I can never believe, that even Death it self can entirely blot me out of your Remembrance.”

Thus did he pour forth his Complaints, and groan beneath the Weight of his hard Labour, while he was present to his Anthia, at Tarentum, in a Dream; She seem’d to be in the same Bed with him, a beautiful Nymph with a beautiful Youth, and she thought, that was the first Moment 101 of their mutual Embraces: Then a certain comely Woman seem’d to snatch her Lover out of her Arms, whereat she cry’d out, and calling on him by Name, awoke. Arising straight, and imagining her Dream to be real, she wept, and said, “Alas, Wretch that I am! I suffer Toils and Miseries of all Kinds, and study all means to secure my Chastity, whilst thou, my Abrocomas, art, perhaps, captivated with another’s Charms, as my Dream seems to denote, Why do I therefore live? Why do I torment my self? ’tis more desirable, sure, to die, and free my self, at once, from an unhappy Life, and this unbecoming and dangerous Slavery.”

Thus did she continue her Complaints, weeping, and sought to slay her self. In the mean time, Hippothous, the Perinthian, having, for some Time, labour’d under great Difficulties at Tauromenium, married a rich old Woman at last, who lov’d him to Distraction, and she dying soon after, left him Master of all her Substance. A great Number of Servants, store of choice Garments, and a plentiful and magnificent Houshold Furniture was there, whereupon he resolv’d to sail over into Italy, and purchase Slaves of excellent Form and Features, and procure other Things suitable to his State. He now remember’d Abrocomas, and wish’d to find him, thinking it would aid to his Happiness, if he 102 could make him a Partner in his Life and Riches. He accordingly pass’d into Italy, and only one beautiful and agreeable Servant, nam’d Clisthenes, follow’d him out of Sicily, his faithful Companion, and sharer of all his Fortunes.

When the Bawd perceiv’d Anthia fully recover’d, she brought her to Market, and offer’d her to Sale, at which time Hippothous happening to arrive at Tarentum, in search of some beautiful Purchase, saw, and knew her. He was mightily surpriz’d at the Sight, and a Thousand Thoughts perplex’d his Mind. “Is not this,” said he, “the same Maid whom I once shut up with two Dogs in a Pit in Ægypt, to revenge the Death of Anchialus? What a Change is this? How was she sav’d? How could she escape out of the Pit? What an unexpected Deliverance has here been?” Thus saying, and approaching nearer, to buy her, he ask’d her, “Dost thou not know Ægypt, my Maid? Wast thou not, there, seiz’d by Robbers? Didst thou not, there, suffer much Hardship? Resolve me, I entreat you, for I fancy I have seen you there.” She hearing Ægypt nam’d, and remembring Anchialus, the Robbers, and the Pit, sigh’d and groan’d, and look’d upon Hippothous, but could not call him to Mind: At last, she reply’d, “Many Things, and grievous, O Stranger, whoever thou art, did I endure in Ægypt, 103 where I was taken by Robbers: But tell me, I beseech you, how you came to the Knowledge of me, and my Miseries? I have, indeed, undergone many singular and noted Hardships, but cannot remember your Face.” Hippothous hearing this, and being now fully assur’d who she was, without more Words, bought her of the Bawd, led her Home, bid her take Courage, told her his Name, what had befallen him in Ægypt, his Flight, and his Riches. She then beg’d he would forgive her former Crime, and confess’d, that Anchialus was slain by her Hand, while he offer’d to violate her Chastity. She also told him the Story of the Pit, and of Amphinomus; the mildness of the Dogs, and the Manner of her Escape. He had Compassion upon her, and enquir’d no further, but by his daily Converse with her, begun to be in Love. He endeavourd to gain her by large Promises, which she, at first, refus’d to accept, pretending she was not worthy to ascend her Master’s Bed, but, at last, when he begun to be impatient of Delay, and nothing else would satisfy him, and she deem’d it better to disclose all, even her most secret Thoughts, than forfeit her Vows to her Love, told him the whole Truth concerning Abrocomas, and the Ephesian Physician, her Love, her Oath, and her Misfortunes, now and then sighing for a Sight of him. Hippothous no sooner understood that she was Anthia, Wife 104 to his chief Friend, but he embrac’d her, and desiring her to be of good Cheer, gave her a full Relation of his Friendship with Abrocomas: he then treated her courteously, for her Husband’s sake and resolv’d to search every where, if possible, to find him out.

Abrocomas, at first, earn’d his Bread, by hard Labour, at Nuceria, but at last, no longer able to endure it, he purpos’d to embark on board a Vessel, and sail to Ephesus, and accordingly, coming to the Sea-shore by Night, and having procur’d a Ship, he sail’d back into Sicily, designing to touch at Crete, Cyprus, and Rhodes, and, at last, to reach Ephesus. He also hop’d, that in so long a Voyage, he might hear some News of his Anthia: With a slender Store, therefore, by a short run, he gain’d Sicily, where finding his old Host Ægileus dead, he perform’d Funeral Rites for him, and wept over him: Then again setting Sail, and passing by Crete, he arriv’d at Cyprus, where tarrying some Days, and offering up his Prayers to the Cyprian Goddess, he loosed from thence, and proceeded to Rhodes, and came to an Anchor near the Haven; and being now not far distant from Ephesus, the Thoughts of all his former Losses attack’d him afresh, his Country, his Parents, his Anthia, his Companions; and fetching a deep Sigh, “O what a Misfortune is this,” said he, “I shall return to Ephesus alone, and my Parents 105 will behold me, without my Anthia: I shall make a fruitless Expedition, and relate Adventures, perhaps, hardly credible, having no Witness of what I have suffer’d: But take Courage, Abrocomas, and when you have arriv’d at Ephesus, live, ’till you have erected a Tomb for her, shed Tears for her, and perform’d her Funeral Rites, and then convey thy self to her.” Having thus said, full of Cares, he enter’d the city of Rhodes, without knowing where he should ask for his Anthia, or how he should receive Sustinence.

Leucon and Rhoda, during their Stay at Rhodes, offer’d up their Gifts in the Temple of the Sun, near the Golden Armour formerly plac’d there, by Abrocomas and Anthia: They also affix’ed an Inscription, containing their Names in Letters of Gold; neither were their own Names wanting, as Presenters. When Abrocomas fell upon this Inscription by Accident (for he came to offer up his Prayers to the God) and read it, he pereiv’d the Good-will of his Servants, and casting his Eye upon the Armour not far off, he stood by them, and sighing, said, “Alas, how strangely unfortunate am I, even to the last Verge of Life! This Inscriptiuon, wherein both our Names are mention’d, is plac’d here by our Companions. What shall I do here alone? Where shall I find out those whom I hold so dear?” Whilst he was thus speaking, with Tears in this Eyes, Leucon and Rhoda approach’d to offer up their 106 Prayers, according to Custom. They then saw Abrocomas standing by the Inscription, with his Eyes fix’d on the Armour, and not knowing the Reason, were astonish’d why any Person should gaze so intently on another’s Gifts. And Leucon, at last, ask’d him, “What can induce thee, O Youth, to mourn at the Sight of Gifts which nothing concern thee? What are these to thee? How can the Names there inscrib’d, affect thee?” Abrocomas reply’d, “Mine, mine are the Gifts of Leucon and Rhoda, whom, unhappy Man, that I am, I nevertheless hope to see with my Anthia.”

They were astonish’d at their hearing this, and knowing him, as well by his Voice and Habit, as by his Words, and the mention he made of Anthia, they both prostrated themselves before him, and related all that had happen’d to them, their Journey from Tyre into Syria, Manto’s Wrath, their being deliver’d up and sold, their Passage into Lycia, their Master’s Death, their Riches, and Return to Rhodes. They then conducted him to the House where they dwelt, and gave him whatever he desir’d; they attended him with the utmost Diligence, and exhorted him to reassume his Courage, but nothing could asswage his Grief for the Loss of his Anthia, whose Absence he continually lamented.


While he tarried with his Companions at Rhodes, deliberating what they should do, Hippothous came to a Resolution to carry Anthia over from Italy to Ephesus, and restore her to her Parents, where, he also hop’d to hear some News of Abrocomas, wherefore having put his whole Substance on board a great Ship, he set sail with Anthia, and by a favourable Gale, in a short Time, arriving at Rhodes by Night, took up their Lodgings at the House of an old Woman near the Shore, name Althæa. They continued there that Night, designing, as soon as the Dawn appear’d, to proceed on their Voyage, but the next Day was a Festival dedicated to the Sun, and celebrated by the Rhodians, with the utmost publick Magnificence, the Pomp, the Sacrifices, and the Concourse of the Citizens, being exceeding great. Leucon and Rhoda were then present, not so much to partake of the publick Joy, as to enquire if any could give them Intelligence of Anthia. When Hippothous enter’d the Temple, and led her in: She fixing her Eyes on the Gifts, and remembring former Accidents, “O Sun,” says she, “who regardest all human Affairs, and only slightest me, a Wretch: When I was here before, I pay’d my Adoration to thee joyfully, and offer’d Sacrifice with my Abrocomas, and then I was happy indeed. Now my Freedom is chang’d into Slavery, and my happy Liberty into miserable Captivity. I shall return to Ephesus alone, and shew my self to my Parents 108 without my Abrocomas.” Thus she continu’d her Expostulations, weeping, and then intreated Hippothous to suffer her to cut off part of Hair, and offer it up to the Sun, with her Prayers for her Husband. He consented, and she accordingly cut off as much as she could, and taking a fit Opportunity, when none were present, offer’d it, with an Inscription: For the Safety of her Husband Abrocomas, Anthia dedicates this Gift to God: Which done, and her Prayers finish’d, she departed with Hippothous.

Leucon and Rhoda, who attended the Triumph of the Day, no sooner enter’d the Temple, than casting their Eyes upon this Gift, and, well knowing whose it was, they kiss’d it, and wept, as if she her self had been present; and they afterwards enquir’d every where, to see, if it were possible, to find her, for all the Rhodians remember’d their Names, from the Time of their first landing there. Hearing no News of her, that Day, they departed home, to acquaint Abrocomas with what they had seen in the Temple. He could hardly be induc’d to believe a Thing so strange, and so sudden; however, he had now fresh Hopes of recovering her. The following Day, the Sea being boisterous, and too dangerous to trust to, Anthia again attended Hippothous to the Temple, and looking on the Gifts, sigh’d and wept, when Leucon and Rhoda enter’d. They had left Abrocomas at home, (for his Mind was 109 too violently agitated, by the News he had heard, to venture Abroad). As soon as they saw Anthia, whom they did not yet know, but by Conjectures from particular Hints, her Love, her Tears, her Gift, her Name, her Form; they concluded it could be none but she, and falling down at her Feet, were struck dumb with Amazement. She was no less surpriz’d, whom they should be, or what they could mean; for she never expected to see Leucon and Rhoda there. They, when their Spirits return’d, cry’d out, “We are your Servants, Leucon and Rhoda, who begun the Voyage with you, and who were taken by Pyrates along with you. But what good Fortune convey’d you hither? Cheer up your Heart, your Abrocomas is safe in this City, and a constant Mourner because of your Absence.” Anthia was immediately struck with the News, and scarce recovering her self, acknowledg’d, saluted, and embrac’d them, and receiv’d full Information of every Thing relating to him.

A great Concourse of the Rhodians came together, when they heard that Anthia was found * * . Abrocomas run thro’ the city like one distracted, calling upon her, incessantly, by Name, and, at last, found her before the Temple of Isis, where many of the Citizens were present. The Moment they met, they knew each other, by a kind of mutual Sympathy of Souls, and after 110 some embracing, prostrated themselves to the Earth. All the various Passions, and Affections of the Mind, now seiz’d them at once, Pleasure, Grief, Dread, the Memory of past Accidents, and the Fear of future Contingencies. The common People, by loud Acclamations, proclaim’d this a joyful and happy Meeting, and invocated the Goddess, Isis, saying, “Lo! we now, once more, behold Abrocomas and Anthia, so renown’d for Beauty.” They, as soon as their Strength return’d, arose, and entring the Temple, deliver’d themselves in this Manner, “To thee, O supreme Goddess, to Thee we give Thanks for our present Safety, O thou for ever worthy of Adoration, receive our grateful Acknowledgements!” They then prostrated themselves at the Grove, and bow’d down before the Altar; and being afterwards conducted home to Leucon’s House, where Hippothous also resided, they begun to make Preparations for their Voyage to Ephesus.

While they reclin’d at the Banquet, provided for that Solemnity, many and various were their Discourses, concerning what every one had done or suffer’d, in which they spent the Time of the Entertainment. When Night came on, they withdrew to Rest, each as they desir’d, Leucon with Rhoda, Hippothous with a beautiful Youth named Clisthenes, who had accompanied him from Sicily, and Anthia with Abrocomas. 111 When deep Sleep had lock’d up the Senses of all the rest, and a profound Silence reign’d every where, Anthia embracing her Abrocomas, wept, and said, “O my dear Spouse and Lord, have I, at last, receiv’d you into these Arms again, after I have undergone so many Dangers by Land and Sea, after I have escap’d the Threats of Robbers, the Treachery of Pirates, the Injury of Bawds, Chains, Dungeons, Poison, and the Tomb.? I am still the same, my Abrocomas, as when I was torn from Thee at Tyre, and hurried into Syria. None could prevail upon me to be false to thee, not Mæris in Syria, not Perilaus in Cilicia, not Psammis, nor Polyidus in Ægypt, not Anchialus in Æthiopia, nor my old Mistress at Tarentum. I contriv’d all Means imaginable to keep myself chaste for thy Sake: And hast thou, my Abrocomas, still preserv’d thy Vows? Did ever any Woman appear more beautiful, in thy Eyes, than thy Anthia? Did none endeavour to tempt thee to be forgetful of thy Oath and me?” Thus saying, she ever and anon kiss’d him, and he reply’d, “To thee I swear, by this long desir’d, but scarce expected Day, that since our parting, no Charms have ever attracted my Eyes, nor any Woman, whom I have seen, pleas’d me: Wherefore, now receive your Abrocomas pure and unspotted, as you left him in Bonds at Tyre.” The whole Night was spent in Stories 112 of their Sufferings, which each readily believ’d, because the Truth of them was what they most desir’d.

When it was Day, they embark’d, and all Things being ready, they departed; the whole Multitude of the Rhodians attending them to the Shore, but Hippothous only follow’d them, carrying Clisthenes, and his Substance along with him: In a few Days they arriv’d at Ephesus. The whole City had already heard of their Safety, and waited their Approach. When they gain’d the Shore, they immediately, in the same Habit they then wore, enter’d the Temple of Diana. Many Prayers were then offer’d, many Sacrifices slain, and many Gifts presented to the Goddess, mark’d with Inscriptions of what they had done or suffer’d. These were no sooner perform’d, than they return’d into the City, and rear’d sumptuous Monuments for their Parents, whom they found dead, either by old Age, or Anguish of Heart. The remaining part of their Lives was one continued Scene of Joy; every Day resembling a Festival. To Leucon and Rhoda, their Companions, all their Goods were common; and Hippothous resolv’d to spend the rest of his Days there; wherefore, having erected a stately Tomb for Hyperanthe; in the Island Lesbos: He adopted Clisthenes his Son, and liv’d at Ephesus, with Abrocomas and Anthia.


  * *   A small Chasm in the Original.

  * *   A small Chasm in the Original.

F I N I S.


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