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Delightfully, there exists an epic poem in English, that is funny! It is called Monks and Giants, by John Hookham Frere. It is also extremely effective at storytelling with rhythm and rhyme. It first appeared in the early 1800's.

Begin it with the pertinent part of the Introduction by Henry Morley, who included it in A Miscellany.

After that, you might wish to read more about John Hookham Frere in Elfinspell in Chambers Cyclopædia entry, with a short biography, the importance of this satiric saga and a sample of his other work here. Read this second, because it summarizes the poem and that will spoil it for you. Besides, what impresses excerpters may not impress you as most representative of the charm and humor of this exceptional work.

If only there was more poetry like this, wouldn’t that be grand?


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