This is an eclectic collection of the work of some of the humanists, the men who paved the way to modern thought in Italy and Germany. The selections cover fiction, education, satire and autobiographical extracts.
The voice and spirit of these men is vibrant in their writings. So smart and kind do they seem, that you wish could have met every one of them in person.
Most of the translations have been done by Whitcomb and the style of all the translations, especially his, makes for clear and pleasant reading. It is easy to see, due to effective translation, why these men were famous in their lifetimes. He also includes a brief biography of the authors, with a statement on their contribution to the rise of humanism.
Especially important is Whitcomb’s chapter on the Renaissance in Germany, which explains much on this period in that nation’s history. This is not usually covered in traditional texts on the Renaissance.
Originally the two books were printed separately, but this edition combines both Source-Books, Italian and German.
Get started by clicking HERE for the Italian selections, or HERE for the German selections, or on the NEXT buttons on the top or bottom of each page to read the book in page order.